Law practice management software trusted by thousands.

Thousands of law firms in over 03 countries use Soft.Legal to automate their firms, and get more done in less time.

Schedule a demo and get 50% off your first 3 months!

See if we’re the right fit. No credit card needed, cancel anytime.

Track your time. Get paid faster.

Never forget another billable minute again.
Create time entries, expenses, flat rates, or contingency.

Generate invoices in 1 click.
Save over 8 hours a month!

Generate and email all your invoices in under 30 seconds.
Send automated invoice payment reminders. Get paid in half the time with zero effort.

Integrated with all your favorite apps.

Soft Legal integrates with lots of apps you already use (and some you’ll be glad you found) to make running your law firm a breeze.

World class support.

  • Only a call, email, or click away.
    We’re here for you. Email us, or send us a message.

  • The best support forum!
    View screenshots, tutorials, and videos on our easy support forum.
  • Dedicated account managers.
    When you sign up, you get another partner that cares about your firm.
  • Our members love us. And we love them.
    In 2017 we had a 97% satisfaction rating from thousands of law firms.

Schedule a demo today.

Take your practice to the next level with the most intuitive law practice management software. Automate your firm, save time, and make more money. Get a demo & save 50% off your first 3 months.

Everything you need to run a law firm.
Book your obligation free demonstration online today contact us for more information .